Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Current Routine

Currently I am training for rugby and doing Olympic lifts. In additions I do swimming as cardio on my off days. My currently lifting routine is created by Dan John (his site: I am doing his beginner Olympic lifting routine, and I am seeing pretty good linear progression. In addition to 

Here is my current weekly routine.

Stretching- For my stretching I do shoulder dislocations and foam rolling as well as various static stretches.
Snatch- 8 Sets of 2
Clean and Jerk- 8 Sets of 1
Front Squat- 5 Sets of 5
Press- 5 Sets of 3

Jog- One mile
Swim- Various strokes 15 laps

Jog- One mile
Rugby Practice

Saturday and Sunday:
Rest and Recovery

Note- Tuesday's swim is at a moderate pace and is mostly to stretch sore muscles.

So there you have it! My current routine!


1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing
    i might try it or modify my own plan with some exercises from this one
